Seven Days of Partner Yoga, Day 1-Mouse in House aka Lizard on Rock

Today we kick off the first day of our “Seven Days of Partner Yoga”! 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️
Today we are featuring “mouse in house” 🐭 🏠 a.k.a. “lizard on rock”. 🦎

This is a fun partner yoga pose that can be done between siblings or adult and child.
🧒 👩 👧👨👩‍🦱👨‍🦱🧑‍🦱
To practice “Mouse in House”, one person will find mouse pose and the second person will lay their back on top of the mouse! If adults and children are practicing together, I encourage only the adult be the mouse and the child be the house. Siblings can take turns with the poses depending on their size.

The person that is in mouse will have a grounding experience while the person that is the house will experience an inversion, heart opener and slight backbend. ❤️

A challenge could be to take three deep breath’s together as partners. 🌟

Please tag us in your stories and posts if you tried “mouse in house” or “lizard on rock” at @YayaYogaCA!

See all Seven Days of Partner Yoga over at our facebook page or Instagram page.

#yayayogaca #sevendaysofpartneryoga #kidsyoga #siblingyoga #partneryoga #familyyoga #mouseinhouse #lizardonrock